Thursday, November 24, 2016

Meemure and Wasgamuwa

We decided to call this journey "6 KM"  you will get to know the reason when you read this article.

We (Wolfgang and I ) took early morning train "Yal Devi" at 05:50 am from Mt. Lavinia train station.
We reached 08:10 am at Polgahawela Station . The journey was comfortable as there were not much passengers.

Subash met us at the front of the station with his 1968 Mitsubishi Jeep, our driving plan was  Polgahawela - Kegalle road . When we reached. Kegalle new road  we decided to have our breakfast just beside the new Road side to Kandy.

We had Traditional breakfast STRING HOPPERS with Sambal, Polos (Jack Fruit) and chicken curry, hot tea with Jinadasa Thalaguli  (a Sri Lankan sweet)  it was Yummy......
Thanks to Subash's wife who cooks very early morning .

Subash and Me

The drive continue to Hunnasgiri Town via Kandy city. From town just beside the Gas station turn left  to side road indicates Meemure. Road was really bad shape we were lucky to have 4x4 but the drive was uncomfortable. The road had  plenty of holes some of them big as ponds. Beside shaky ride, Rain also trouble us all the way as we did not had the both jeep doors though it was fun but hard journey for me as I was at the rear seat  I never had real "Bumpy Ride".

Some time we were able to see mountains when time to time clouds got clear for a short period. Time to time when ever we meet Tuk Tuk we asked how far to Meemure every reply was 6 km. we were happy till six km but there after disappointment as next person reply was 6 km ? We continue our journey till we saw the highest mountain in Meemure.

Subash and Wolfgang

It took us nearly 3 hrs to reach our accommodation. We have come 35 km in three hours. What a journey?  simple house with extra three rooms . The person who was charge quickly warm up our lunch which Subash's wife has prepared for us.

After lunch around 16:00 hrs we start to walk to center of the village. With rain we were able to see few things in the village , people are not so friendly perhaps they must be having reasons. Paddy field , few houses and the small bridge and the present construction site of the bridge.

Meemure is one of the most remote villages in Sri Lanka with the only access via a 14 km (8.7 mi) trail from the town of Loolwatta. There is no cellular service available in the village electricity was install just 3 Months ago. There are 175 families living in this area. Most of them depend on agriculture like Pepper, Cardamon , Trickle etc.

Most interesting was school children walks daily 7 to 10 km to their school. They don't cry for their transport like in the city children who are taking tuk tuk or van just cover 1-2 km. I am sure those children are more healthy than town kids. Meemure junior school Kaikawela is the most nearest school to them.

After returning from the village we had  few hours rest and after dinner we all went back to sleep.
Following Morning we desire to travel after breakfast to Wasgamuwa as 3 hrs journey to Hunnasgiri town. Morning weather was better and we had few stops  to take some pictures.

Lake gala  mountain in Meemure  considered to be  some connection to King Rawana. He used to lift his glider  Dhandu Monara  Air craft from this mountain.

On the way there is a cave belongs to King Rawana who stored his fire arms in this cave it's an Archeology site 7.5 km way from main trail.
Beside we could see Hindu temple and just road side there was two ponds with Olu flowers. One pond was with yellow Olu which is rare to find.

With a note three yellow Olu  pops out of water gave a smile to our journey  as we were departing from Meemure.


The name Wasgamuwa may also derive from an ancient meaning as a gathering place for bears. Part of Wasgamuwa was declared a Strict Nature Reserve in 1938 and additional areas added to become Wasgamuwa National Park on 07 th August 1984. The park covers almost 37,062.9 hectares of which most is wilderness areas with no visitation. 
The main vegetation type is topical dry mixed evergreen forest, but due to the variations in geology, landform, soils and hydrological conditions sub-natural vegetation type is also found, resulting from human interventions.
Twenty three species of mammals have been reported from the park. The park is especially known for its high abundance of sloth bears (Melursus Ursinus) and a reputation for housing some of the largest Asian elephants and the “marsh elephant” of Wasgamuwa are reputedly the largest of the Sri Lankan elephants, Some 143 species birds have been recorded of which 5 are endemic to Sri Lanka. Fifteen species of amphibians have been reported including the endemic, there are also 35 reptiles, many butterflies can be seen flitting around the park and 52 different species have been recorded, out of which are endemic and 17species of fish have been recorded. (

As we reached Hunnasgiri we stop for a cup of tea before we took the "Daha Ata Wangu". 18 N shape coves what to Mahiyangana. Beautifull view you could  see part of Victoria reservoir and mountain range. Roads and landscape nice in between you get river beds where excess water flows through the main road.

Paddy fields are lavish green with water holes due to heavy rain.
We reached by lunch at 13:00 hrs to Aligams Cottage.

Very pleasant place with fantastic view of lake and Nuckels Range.
After lunch we drove along  the village and paddy fields  just have a look at surroundings. We sat nearly three hours front of our room veranda . Very relaxing .
After late dinner we went  to sleep.
Following early morning due to rain we have to call special safari jeep for our safari.
6:30 we enter to Wasgamuwa National park . Spent 3 hrs inside.

We saw group of elephants, single male Elephants who was chased away from Hurd  the Park Ranger told us some time they attract and kill  park workers or visitors.. Plenty of deers , wild buffalos and many rare birds. We visited the park in wrong time as rain brings animals inside the park due to plenty of water every place and they do not want to go on search of water . February onwards one can see many elephants in  open areas . Young park ranger Schamile just 22 years and 2 years experience in this field  who gave us the all information . The jeep driver who knew for hand animal spots has shown us though it was raining.

We return to hotel for breakfast we had Pittu  typical Sri Lankan village breakfast with hot chilly curry and Safran sweet curry  then we check out and drove via Dambulla to Kurunagala. Excellent road net work gave us smooth drive.. After Short tea break Subash drop us to main bus stand .where we took the normal bus to Colombo.
The entire drive was done by Subash since he is from Mahrachchimulla we felt he should not drive us to Colombo and back to Alawwa. While we travel to Colombo he could be with his family after all he has missed his Son for 2 days.

Our great journey was created to experience in different manner Wolfgang who is my brother in Law from Germany who enjoyed the most will take this experience with in him for a long time.
 Journeys will always bring memories and give experiences throughout your life
Whereby you will understand that the life is full of experience which Nature is the creator of all those adventures Beauty which last in your Mind.........

Friday, November 4, 2016

Protect Nature...

As humans, we need to be more responsible about the Nature and it is our duty to protect it... The change should come within our attitudes.

What a wonderful place so called Life...

English translation: 

"Open the eyes in Naked
Accumulate hundred of things,
Dangle in white cloth,
Depart in empty hand,
What a wonderful place so called Life....."

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Coast to Coast - Akashic Record Access

Listen to this Coast to Coast radio in YouTube.. Amazing how plants can play music..!
The video duration is 39 minutes.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

What can I give?

That seems the way of thing. Everyone takes, everyone gives, Life is like that.

– Ah but you are without possessions, how can you give?

Everyone gives what he has. The soldier gives strength, the merchant goods, the teacher instruction, the farmer rice, the fisherman fish.”

What can I give..?  Love, Compassion, Knowledge

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Great Walk through Atamasthanaya

"Avidda Paya Dahas Wati"  Great walk through Atamasthanaya

Atamasthana ( the 8 holy places) are considered the most important places that a Buddhist pilgrim must visit in Anuradhapura. They are.

Sri Maha Bodhiya

Our guide Osanda who knows the route well took us to all places. Lakmal also joined with me to discover Ancient sites. We stayed at Osanda's relations place that is nearly two kilometers away from ancient site near Bhikku Vishwa Vidaylaya. Our purpose was to conduct a Puja to Sri Maha Bodhi And Ruwanwelisaya.

Simple Puja 21 Lotus flowers and 21 oil lamps ( Three kind of oil , Gee, Sesamy and Coconut oil) Sambrani.Previous evening we conducted the Puja at Sri Maha Bohdi and we visited Isurumuniya temple and went back to Osanda's relations house for dinner and came back to and spent some time during the night at Ruwanwelisaya. Great feeling relaxed our mind. Unfortunately we were allowed to stay till 22:00 hrs (10 pm). I wish they could let it open for 24 hrs.

Following day, after the breakfast we made our journey like old days we start to walk through  Atamasthanya.

We started with Ranviru Seya (Sanda Hiru Seya) which is going to be a symbolic Seya (Stupa/Pagoda) for all solders who gave their life for the 30 years war in Sri Lanka. At present in second stage where first three rings were almost completed and the construction on progress by the Army units.

Ranviru Seya (Sanda Hiru Seya)

Osanda & me at Ranaviru Seya
We then walked through the beautiful surrounding towards Mirisavetiya. King Dutugemunu built the Mirisaveti Stupa after defeating King Elara... and he placed the Buddha's relics in the Stupa... In the school we learned that he remembered that he partook a chilly curry without offering it to the Maha Sanga. In order to punish himself he built the Mirisavetiya Dagaba.

We had few minutes rest at Basawakkulama Tank and went back to Lovamahapaya great ancient 7 storey building where now you can find only the stone pillars  which are alined with each  pillar. Imagination required to reconstruct the building.

Ruwanweliseya is the tallest Stupa constructed in Sri Lanka. And highest number of Relics found in this Dagaba. 942 feet diameter with 338 feet height where 24 feet gold plated Ran Kotha (top potion)  onside length 465 feet this unique Dagaba also known as Swarnamalee Seya.

Then we walked towards Jethawanaramaya and to Kuttam Pokuna (Twin Ponds).

The structure is significant in the island's history for it represents the tensions within the Theravada and Mahayana sects of Buddhism; it is also significant in recorded history as one of the tallest structures in the ancient world, the height of the stupa is 400 feet (122 m),  making it the tallest stupa in the ancient world. The structure is no longer the tallest, but it is still the largest, with a base-area of 233,000 m2 (2,508,000 sq ft). Approximately 93.3 million baked bricks were used in its construction; ( text taken from Wikipedia).


Over the course of 15 years, the Abhayagiri  Stupa was fully restored and renovated by the Sri Lankan Central Cultural Fund as a UNESCO project I personally like the structure  the view gives a 180 degree  where you can see the Udamaluwa and Veli Maluwa at the same time there are no in between construction which obstruct the full view. Highest number of devotees can pray at a time under Abahyagiriya Stupa. One will feel very open atmosphere in this unique open place. During the  period of King Walagamba, this was a major monastery site for Mahayana, Thervada and Vajirayana.


Stupa and Aramaya (which is a residential complex for monks) called Thuparamaya.
The Thuparama stupa, built by King Devanampiyatissa, Budhisum was introduced by Ven. Arahat Mahinda thero who could guide King Devanampiyatissa who became first Buddhist King and he built this oldest Stupa in Sri Lanka where Buddha's collarbone Relic placed in this Stupa.

By mid day we managed to return to our rest place where we freshened up and had our late delicious lunch made by Osanda's relation sister and her husband who was very kind to give us accommodation and food. Three of us were gratefull to them for their hospitality. After few hours we took Tuk Tuk to main town where we had Tuk Tuk breakdown and we had to take a another one to main railway station at Anuradhapura. Our train Intercity took us to Colombo with in three and half hours with a comfortable ride.

Thanks to Osanda and his family and Lakmal who was  part of this memorable journey

During this journey we never felt as we were three of us  We just felt as ONE.....


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Donation for flood affected school children in Bomiriya, Sri Lanka

10th June 2016 at Bomiriya Kaduwela

Today once again...
Our third good course fulfilled twenty two school children who were affected from last flood in Bomiriya area. Even today we could see damages and remaining water near by land and road side. Those poor children have lost their entire school gear. They had lost their future of  hope as their parents were poor. Though text books were donated by the Education Department but not the other requirements.

We could donate rest of the school gear and school bags for 22 children with the help of Wolfgang, Nalini, Dilan , Kerstin Soey from Germany and my family members contribution, there are other doners who gave their time and energy for this good course. Kanchana, and his friend who took time to find out the right victims also Sarath, Lakmal and Buddhika. Whom I could remember the names...

A single package contains all of these.

All packages are ready...

Those children and their parents' gratitude we're seeing on their faces. I personally pleased that our purpose was fulfilled as we could see and meet the real poor flood victims who still suffer. We wish those children..!

Natural disasters are inevitable.. we as humans should able to understand and face the reality of our nature where we experience and find solutions to continue our path and succeed in our life.

May all those children  succeed in their studies...!!

Once again Nature Evoke thanks you to all donors in Germany & in Sri Lanka for their kind hearted contribution towards those flood victims specially those innocent school children.


"We can not help everyone,
But every one can help some one"
Ronald  Reagan

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

What will you do when Kelaniya faces a natural disaster?

440 mm rain was recorded in the Colombo city. Many roads were under water for a few days. Floodwater was running from 3-4 feet above the road level. Many people were stuck in the houses they live, to go to safe places.

Due to the biggest ever rain fall Colombo had for the last 18 years, half of Colombo was under water.
More than 300,000 people have been affected by severe floods and landslides caused by continuous heavy rain in Sri Lanka since Monday. According to the official reports, the death toll has risen to 101 now.
Water level in Kelani River had risen and reached 7.6 feet (at Nagalagan street) and now it has reduced to 3.6 feet and will reduce further.

Sri Lanka Air Force deployed helicopters to rescue flood victims at Malwana, Kelaniya, Kolonnawa, Wellampitiya areas. Army and Navy also took part in rescue mission where small lanes  and street went under water.

Some tiny roads which was not accessible through boats people have used dingo’s and small crafts  Tubs and  Rigifoam  or packing materials whatever possible to float and possible to reach the victims
First two days we managed to access and deliver lunch packets to those who are effected in our area,
First day 50 lunch packets we took to people who are not accessible  behind 7th Mile post. We should thank to Water department officers who helped us to use the pipe line which is crossing the Kelani other side of Egoda Kelaniya. 4 -5 families living in that area.  Then we had balance 16 packets which we wants to give it to other area, as we reached the Biyagama road again one Three wheeler came with another 24 packets of lunch to deliver  donate to us to continue with our delivery.

When we reached Nagahamulla there were plenty of helpers with food helping the victims. One  Police constable who gave us an advise to go to Pattivila and distribute as those area flood victims has less chances to get food. We rushed with Three wheeler and the young man (Mr. Asela - Wasthu) who took us to the place he never gave an value of his Three wheeler drove through water And muddy area. It was great experience to all of us when we reach the area Navy office said thanks we were short of lunch packets to some villages. We all were happy that our efforts  brought a good result.

Then we went to see Pattiviala Shailaramaya Temple and met the Ven .chief  Incumbent  discussed what to provide following day. Ven. Advised us not to waste daily he needs around 800 lunch packets to full fill  a day meal. He told us he will make rice and for us to make curries.  He also told us not to make normal curries like Potatos, Lintel , and Soya as last few days they received the same menu   Our Main organizer Computer Sarath  gave a brilliant menu “ Achcharu, Mango Pickel, Cutlets , Kira dry fish. And the Ven. Said ok then lets make Yellow Rice.  So we came bake to our place Sarath and his Three Wheel expert rush to for shopping.  Their family members  start the cooking  programme  throughout  the night .

The following day, temple has sent a Dimo Batta Lorry to take all the curries. We followed the truck. A heavy rain started poring my other two friends  Kanishka and Lakmal came on the Motor bike which had a tyre puncture  however he managed to reach the temple.  As soon we deliver  there was  an Amy to help make lunch packets. Its not the regular army it’s the temple Dayaka Karadi.  Before 11:30  we all got hold of things and also managed to give to Buddha Puja on Vesak Full Moon day. We all felt great with our good deed in Vesak day. I personally never felt  great inside my mind and heart with full of grace inside with in us. That we all united never thought about money, time, distance , Nationality, religion, nor color or gender.  We all worked towards one goal to please the hunger of flood effected victims.

We all not filthy rich to spend money  and time like this but we all felt that we are part of one disaster  therefor we had a goal, vision, and energy to thrive this mission .

We all were proud to be Sri Lankan to act like this perhaps its in our Gene  and guidance to Buddha’s teaching.

We all wish that soon this tension will die down and all effected victims  & displace victims will return to their homes and start a new life …..

Nature disasters  are note related to any God  or any Super power. Its  a part of  our life where humans are not able to stop but they can prevent by using new methods and technology. The most important thing is to respect the Nature she is our great Mother we are part of this family………….

"Sabbe Saththa Bhawanthu Sukhithaththa"

Wish all readers  Peace and Harmony during this Vesak Festival…….


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Join us & consume the knowledge with the glimpse of Nature...
"Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better" - Albert Einstein