Tuesday, July 16, 2024

New Zealand, the amazing country

Date 9th October to 23rd October 2023

"Ko yes pae Tahiti, whale Kia Tatar 
Ko te pae Tata whakamaua Kia tina"

Seek out distant horizons,and cherish those you attain. ( Maori Proverb)
Driving through beautiful New Zealand Landscape

I think Me and my wife cherish our trip to NZ. 
We flew out of Sri Lanka 8th early morning flight to Dubai four  hours and ten minutes flight to Dubai  was a pleasant one. However once EK landed at Dubai International APT we were taken by bus to Terminal 3 for our transit. Airport Departure flight chart did not indicated our flight due to many flight delays. Ultimately When I found the gate my seat confirmation and I quickly came to the boarding gate where I was asked to wait.  Later then they said sorry flight is full unable to fly on this flight and try to board on following day flight. Due to loading issue I think they have taken extra cargo.Some luck we had obtained transit visa for Dubai and spent that night at my youngest daughter's apartment.
ME and my wife were tired due to long hours in the airport. Following morning we came back to 
Airport to fetch our flight to NZ Auckland.  We had to wait due to checking mistake at the counter. Somehow we managed to board on the aircraft in time. With short pan of time we clear immigration and ran to lift to catch the underground train to terminal 3 then we didn't
Emirates A380

walk we ran quick as possible to the respective gate. Dubai Airport is not a small airport like Auckland, it's a massive terminal there are hundred of that send passengers transiting this Airport. when I look in to Airport statistics 4 Million transit passengers per year it's not a small figure.  

A380 Air Bus took smooth take off the ground of Dubai international runway, this was my first in A380  experience. Imi my boy whom I know during my time in Dubai came and help me to board the Aircraft. Since he was 5 years I know him and his family a great family. 
On board entertainment and meals were excellent, staff was very kind and helpful at all time. This long flight  makes tired  I was not able to sleep however I made time passing by listening to various talk in podcast, rather watching movies one could learn during this 17 hours journey were most of the time over the Ocean and nothing to see except  watching the flight path on the screen.
Just over the Australian continent I could see few landscape time to time as we were flying almost 38,000 feet  and our view was interrupted by the thick clouds.
When we approached Land of New Zealand  I could see the change of landscape dramatically.  Smooth touchdown at Auckland International Airport.
Quickly few purchase in duty free and head in to Immigration.
The  officer in charge at the immigration counter ( A lady)  she was so kind  and helpful  I was amazed to meet kind immigration officer. What a first impression of the country.
Then we heading to customs. Where I was not comfortable. When I apply visa to New Zealand I read about custom formalities and regulations. The declaration form was shook king  it's like a investigation . You never know how they will inspect your luggage. I did not have any illegal stuff except Sri Lankan food and sweets.
I did the declaration by online  and that helps me to release my worries. The custom officers were very kind checked every detail and that I have given entire details so they inspect very fast and screen my bags and cleared from customs.

Then the second marathon . We have to take internal flight to Wellington and demotic terminal we need to carry our luggage on a trolley  and walked nearly 15 mins to other terminal. I planed to spent few hours in immigration and customs therefore I booked my internal flight almost 4 hours gap.  
At the domestic terminal checking is almost self . We had plenty of time  to walk through the Airport had a small bite at Mc Donald then board the New Zealand Air  short one hour flight where they entertain with coffee and biscuit.  In New Zealand many travel by internal flights to major cities like Wellington the capital,   Christchurch, Queens town etc. 

During this flight I came a cross real Maoris they are huge  Seven footer even ladies and gents. Their features are different to New Zealanders who are from Europe. But they all Nice and kind.
Once we at the terminal we just had to collect our luggage and come to exist gate to car park.were we  met our brother in law . That's the time real cold weather hit our body. Though it's the beginning of summer  cold wind breeze kept us little uncomfortable. Coming from 38 centigrade  to  12  centigrade. I am used to this cold weather during my stay in Germany Black forest but My wife felt uncomfortable  but she could not express as she was looking at surrounding  like a child who sees things for the firs time.  We did not felt our half and hour drive to  Tawa -Victory crescent were we stayed our most of our holidays. Beautiful surrounding mountain landscape wooden one or two stories houses, lush green flower gardens in every tiny houses.

Tawa is residential are but you don't see many people on the street. The only place where you could see many people only where shopping centers . Warehouse type stores are common in NZ.  Car wash, supermarkets, shopping centers in one particular  area. In the vicinity of residential areas preschool and upper schools are seen . During morning hours and evening you can see many young and old people spent their time either jogging or cycling . 

My wife was not feeling well due to cold weather, once she was taken to immerse cry to consult the doctor. Consulting a doctor is not easy as you think in NZ. Waiting list is the main issue. However she managed to see a doctor and got her prescription where we purchase her recommended medicine. I did not stay at home I took every opportunity to go out and see Tawa area.
Our stay in Wellington

One day Dinura the youngest son my sister in law took me to see where wine grows. The place call Martineborough 82 km away from Wellington  offers  Various Vineyards  very small town where we had our lunch in a cafe bar  fish and chips  then we visited one of wine maker who demonstrate  about wines with wine testing. White wine to red wine and pink color wine with  sediment Great experience. It's another culture and a old industry .  According to wine master red Grapes after harvest store age in a tank for minimum 8 days  to form the color and test  full 21 days ready for bottling. We had couple of sips from various wines and head on back to Tawa.
Wine yard       
Red Wine /Made of Red Grapes

Today my brother in law took me to Wellington city where  he took me to New Zealand Parliament. Just 2 days before the NZ election. Our tour took inside their Parliament chamber and Media briefing room. Old building , where Library located .
The Beehive NZ Parliament 


 I took some photos  inside the building and outside.  Then we proceed to Maori Museum "Te Papa Tongarewa"  there after harbor  area , heist point of the town where entire Wellington city can be seen from this point .Airport, habor, cricket grounds and the coastal are.
Another day pass by with great memories.
Private Yacht Pier

Due to South weather conditions we changed our plans and  made our trip to Rotorua
The entire drive was 450 km away from Wellington  it's a cold day we brief stop at Bulls nowhere we had our breakfast and head in to north .

 Rotorua is famous for Maori culture and geothermal activities. Lake Rotorua is one of the largest lakes and in surrounding areas there are plenty of bubbling mud pools and thermal bath treatments. We took the opportunity to take a hot bath at natural therms heated pools in certain pools strong sulfur smell and some are to hot to getting to the pools most of the pools are temperature controlled as every 30 mins they check the temperature.
Active Volcano Hot Spring

 Then we head on to town had our lunch walk around the lake and came back to our rented apartment. Where ladies took their time to make our dinner. Following day after breakfast he head back to Wellington  enjoying the  lash green landscape. Time to time short shower made us our journey  interesting. 
Red Wood Forest

Then we came to redwood forest enjoyed the one hour walk through giant red pin wood forest, some trees are more than 200 years old.  Forest entrance there was a Kios with beautiful  gifts so we did some shopping to make our ladies happy.
Lake Rotorua

Wellington is the capital of New Zealand  however  compare to other cities it's cold and windy city. Temperature clime to 19C to 9'C  The wind flows from Tasmanian sea down to Artic  create strong wind pattern due to narrow path between Aroapaoa island  (South Island) and Wellington. So it's common to change the weather in Wellington.
Maori House / Foreign Delegates  Meeting Place

People call "Raini Windy Wellington"  but I like as the Nature offers and we accept as it is if you want to be happy....

Following day we took rest as I plan my dream journey. To South. Island on 18th Oct .
We had quick breakfast and head on to Airport where my BL drop me to Airport which is 30 mins drive from Tawa  we did not take a chance in morning office traffic. Shan  youngest son of my BL met me at the Airport. Self checking as we had only 7 kg hand luggage. 
Flight over the Snow cap  Southern  Mountain

Jet Star flight took us 45 mins to Queens town , breath taking stunning mountains though  I could not get window seat the lady beside me help  me to get some stunning snow covered mountain range pictures.Queenstown Airport is located in a strange way location between mountain  and sea. I am sure it's a difficult approached . Only experience pilot can fulfill this task. 
Queens Town

We just came out and rented a car from aIrport counter and Draw to  near by mountain range car park and had our sandwiches made from home. The we took some time  in the city area walk through the park and lake side to spent some time till  two pm as hotel checking is at two.  
Lakeside hostel situated beside the lake nice location  we checked in relaxed for a wile ad drove. To Costa cost to beautiful place call  Glenorchy small settlement end of Lake Wakatipu  the drive was very  beautiful 45 km by road  from Queenstown and Shan drove  carefully with stable speed in narrow winding road.

 There was many camping locations that's mean many visitors  who looks for real nature, However we saw few cars and vans Indian tourist  beside us. We had a walk through park took some nice picture . Then return to Lake Hostel did some shopping for preparation for tomorrow's big day.  Week a go we book our Mt. Cook tour with one of the tour company. We call tore confirm and our pick up location . Then they said they don't have enough passengers to conduct the tour. We immediately call Cheeky Kiwi  Travel who accept us for next day tour we paid  online and our previous company reimburse our payment with in few minutes . These kind of transaction is not possible in Sri Lanka .
We asked them to pick us near Airport as we need to drop our rented car at the Airport.

At 4:30 am we drove to Airport  rent a car  car park  online discontinue the rental and took   Four side of the car photos and drop the car key to the box  then we walk toward to pickup point bus stand . I could not imagining these kind of trust and service can be given in Sri Lanka?  In this country I learn how people  value humans politeness trust etc. we stood there  20 mis as we were earlier. It was very cold morning.

The Cheeky Kiwi Travel came right time with  8 more passengers  four from US,three  from Spain and one from check Republic. Our guide is Shan who had various experience in different part of world good knowledgeable friendly guide.
He was explains about famous New Zealand  Wine  central Otago and Canterbury wine 
Regions . During our  12 hrs journey he was showing us where  Lord of the Rings filmed   Locations , The longest Vally , we stop one away in a small village for coffee break  Breakfast did some little souvenirs. Got a opportunity to pet a small bay Lamb.

We continue our journey reaching snow cap mountains  in far distance  
Weather became cold  some time rain in between. However road was clear not much traffic. We stop at several location to take few photos . 
Little by little we reached  to Mt. Cook Road . End station there was many buses cars 
So our walking journey is  3 hrs  so we need to be back with in give time frame. 
Myself , and Shan we carried our back pack with water and start our journey . 
I did not feel tired or uncomfortable as my interest was to reach the maximum reaching point to Mt. Cook.

We had to cross few hanging bridges. Trekking through various path they have made certain areas with comfort wooden plank lay out  Bio toilets  some of  good thoughts made for Mountaineers. 
When we cross last two hanging bridges  water flow was hard creamy green bluish  color Water which indicates the melting ice from near by Glaciers. Focusing  Mt.Cook peak we reached the end point where Melted Glacier lake behind  the Majestic Mt. Cook the highest Mountain in. New Zealand. 3724 m . Covers with snow and ice.

I kneel down  and look at the Natures creation . The feeling I had in that moment I am unable to describe.  I remembered Great Maori's proverb.

 "Ko yes pae Tahiti, whale Kia Tatar 
Ko te pae Tata whakamaua Kia tina"

Seek out distant horizons,and cherish those you attain. 

This the true feeling is who made to Mt. Cook . And the Great Maori Master who created this proverb is part of this Mountain.
I felt that  my journey is fully worth, my happiness is though out of my body and soul. 
It's hard to write in words. The Mother Nature can effect your life more than any religion. As we are part of it. We head back to starting point as we had 45 mins.
On our way he showed us world star gazing place. We could not see much as there was sun light left  beyond Horizon. On our way back we stop for a break before we reached Queenstown almost 19:30. We had a shower order some pizzas before we go to bead .

 Following morning we call a taxi to takes to Airport where we had our breakfast before take off. Said Adios to pretty little Queenstown surrounded by melting snow cap. Mountain range. At the Wellington Airport we took the bus to station where Shan drop me to the train and he went back to his apartment. My short train journey took me to Tawa station where my sister in Law pick me from the station to her residence
Last two days was kept for last minutes shopping. But in the evening  I walk around Tawa  residential area  
23rd October afternoon we had to say good bye to entire family except Dinura as he left to Bali on the same day we flew to Queenstown. My BL and sister drops us at the airport and stood sadly watching us going through security point My wife was sad too no wonder blood is thicker than water....... Wellington to Auckland  1 her flight  rush with our luggage to international flight EK counter  last minute shopping at the duty free set on Airbus 380 double decker 17 hrs flight back to Dubai & transit to Colombo via Male....... 
I thanked  to all who help me to come to this wonderful land. My daughter Dulali who made it happen from the inspiration to end of our holidays she was constantly touch most of financial burden was taken care. And younger daughter Pamoda was there when we miss our flight she took us to her apartment stayed that night morning she was at the checking counter till we board the flight  Hasindu, Imad  also help me to getting to our flight last minute. Then I want to thank my sisters law Rashmin, BL Ajith and their two lovely sons Shan and Dinura who take care during our 14 day stay under their roof. Outstanding hospitality during our stay, they left no stones unturned to make us feel right  into  our comfort zone. Visiting Rotorua, Wellington town, Martineborough etc. also special thanks to Sarath, and Lakmal who helped me in various way and looked after tour house during this 15 days.

This great experience and learning point in my life. I never felt great people like New Zealanders from immigration to customs, bus driver to train conductor , supermarket sales staff or Gas station staff kind and polite. Just three example I will mention.
Immigration counter staff very polite and helpful so the custom officers,
Airport to railway station every passenger when they got down from the bus,they thank the driver in every stops. While I was standing at the ticket counter at the Wellington railway station, officer said no need you can get in to the train ticket staff will come to you so I did that. When the train start the lady who issue ticket came to me I said ticket to Tawa I had many differ denomination coins .hard to choose as I am not familiar with this coins she selected last denomination coins ( smaller ones ) and said you need to keep big ones. I was shock and sad that in my place it will never happen. The other incident at the shopping where house when you need to find some goods you ask one of staff thy will leave their work and show you around  and ask if I need any help? 

These kind of attitude come from the governing body, culture with peaceful mind.
I lived 7 years in Europe, 18 years in Dubai, and the rest in Sri Lanka. But I never come cross great people like New Zealander. Country is beautiful so are the people.
During my visa application they asked many question, declaration form etc. once I am their I realized why they look in to all those aspects. To protect  their Natural environment, peace and harmony. I did not find any negative incident  during my 14 day in this great country. I salute to all citizens in NZ  keep your values ,traditions and most valuable thing is your kindness and helpfulness which leads you to top of the World Thank you for given me this opportunity to visit your country ...May bless you All....

"Seek out distant horizons,and cherish those you attain. "

Till I see you again.......
Life is not a just a word it's a happening place every single moment something will happen, it's a unfolding event, some time it's by self unfolding and some time you intentionally make it happen. What ever it's bring knowledge, wisdom for you to progress in in this life.

Till I see you again in to worthwhile journey .......some where in the Natures 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


We have been asked many times to visit Walasmulla by Ruwan. His home town is Walasmulla so we made a day to visit him (30th of March, 2019). We used highway to Matara and then to Walasmulla by normal road. Due to dry season most of the water falls, water pockets were dry..

We stopped at Bisso Ella Waterfall (at Warapitiya), walked in to forest where water fall located. We were disappointed due to lack of water. We could only hear small streams but we enjoyed the sound of verity of birds.

Bisso Ella Waterfall at Warapitiya

Fist thing we went and purchase dry food items as he promised to take us to an isolated Aramaya (a place where monastery monks practice meditation) located in the high mountain in isolated area, away from the village and it's located in a forest reserved area. It is Rammala Aranya Senasanaya (in Google maps, it is Rammalekanda Monastery)

Rammala Monastery

Pathway to Monastery through forest


By the time we reached the monastery it was 11:30, where the monks getting ready for their main meal lunch (daanaya) when we enter the aramaya, a sermon was given by one of the priest to the village family who bought the lunch and young Samanera priest asked us to visit the main shrine till they finish the sermon.

Later high priest came and spoke to us. We donated the dry rations and blessed by the priest who asked us to look around in the forest. Great place to meditate. However The laymen like us not able to be in a isolated place for a long time..?

We could hear lots of bird sounds there.. We recorded it and here you can listen..

In to the forest...

Entrance to Rammala Monastery - on the way back to vehicle park

After that, we continued to Ruwan's village. First thing we went for a swim. Kanishka and Lakmal enjoyed the swim as it was free clear water. Ruwan's friend joined with us  for a swim, on our way back we could see many birds excited to see some stranger in their land.

From left: Nihal (Me), Kanishka and Ruwan

An island in Muruthawela Tank

His mother made a delicious lunch thereafter we took a walk towards lake, took few pictures and we thought to take the boat (Oruwa) kayak. Ruwan is an expert in controlling the Kayak.

Nihal (me) and Ruwan


From left: Lakmal, Nihal and Kanishka

We visited the island it was late evening though we plan to stay in the island we changed our plan due to late arrangement as villagers made a rule by using kayak timings. After 18:30 no one is allowed to use kayak. Therefor we had to change our plan.

View from the island...

Birds in island...

The view was superb when we return it was almost dark . In front of the house we had a great time outside till 10 pm in the night in open sky. Many stars, satellites could visible in the clear night sky. We had pasta for dinner. No disturbance in the night.

Morning we had Kiribath (Milkrice) as requested by Lakmal. Then our adventure began when Ruwan took us his friend's Kayak around the Muruthawela Lake.  He showed us entire island fishing nets water birds, and scenic view of entire area. It was a great experience.

In the morning...

We returned to his house and packed our bags and thanked Ruwan's mother who made our stay very comfortable.

Ruwan with his mother..

Ruwan and his pet..

We departed from his area and came to see the water outlet station where they supply water to the village.


Kanishka's car.. This road heads to water supply station.

Then Ruwan took us to the canal where the lake water is delivered to other areas. The pressure of water is very powerful, it looks as a waterfall in high speed.

I thanked to people who put their energy and time to build this lake where all farmers & villages and all creatures depend on this lake and its waters hence we all enjoyed our adventure and swim with the nature... We all proud of our ancestors who made a great water civilization...

"Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake" (by Wallace Stevens)

Is there an Explorer in you?

Join us & consume the knowledge with the glimpse of Nature...
"Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better" - Albert Einstein