Tuesday, May 14, 2019


We have been asked many times to visit Walasmulla by Ruwan. His home town is Walasmulla so we made a day to visit him (30th of March, 2019). We used highway to Matara and then to Walasmulla by normal road. Due to dry season most of the water falls, water pockets were dry..

We stopped at Bisso Ella Waterfall (at Warapitiya), walked in to forest where water fall located. We were disappointed due to lack of water. We could only hear small streams but we enjoyed the sound of verity of birds.

Bisso Ella Waterfall at Warapitiya

Fist thing we went and purchase dry food items as he promised to take us to an isolated Aramaya (a place where monastery monks practice meditation) located in the high mountain in isolated area, away from the village and it's located in a forest reserved area. It is Rammala Aranya Senasanaya (in Google maps, it is Rammalekanda Monastery)

Rammala Monastery

Pathway to Monastery through forest


By the time we reached the monastery it was 11:30, where the monks getting ready for their main meal lunch (daanaya) when we enter the aramaya, a sermon was given by one of the priest to the village family who bought the lunch and young Samanera priest asked us to visit the main shrine till they finish the sermon.

Later high priest came and spoke to us. We donated the dry rations and blessed by the priest who asked us to look around in the forest. Great place to meditate. However The laymen like us not able to be in a isolated place for a long time..?

We could hear lots of bird sounds there.. We recorded it and here you can listen..

In to the forest...

Entrance to Rammala Monastery - on the way back to vehicle park

After that, we continued to Ruwan's village. First thing we went for a swim. Kanishka and Lakmal enjoyed the swim as it was free clear water. Ruwan's friend joined with us  for a swim, on our way back we could see many birds excited to see some stranger in their land.

From left: Nihal (Me), Kanishka and Ruwan

An island in Muruthawela Tank

His mother made a delicious lunch thereafter we took a walk towards lake, took few pictures and we thought to take the boat (Oruwa) kayak. Ruwan is an expert in controlling the Kayak.

Nihal (me) and Ruwan


From left: Lakmal, Nihal and Kanishka

We visited the island it was late evening though we plan to stay in the island we changed our plan due to late arrangement as villagers made a rule by using kayak timings. After 18:30 no one is allowed to use kayak. Therefor we had to change our plan.

View from the island...

Birds in island...

The view was superb when we return it was almost dark . In front of the house we had a great time outside till 10 pm in the night in open sky. Many stars, satellites could visible in the clear night sky. We had pasta for dinner. No disturbance in the night.

Morning we had Kiribath (Milkrice) as requested by Lakmal. Then our adventure began when Ruwan took us his friend's Kayak around the Muruthawela Lake.  He showed us entire island fishing nets water birds, and scenic view of entire area. It was a great experience.

In the morning...

We returned to his house and packed our bags and thanked Ruwan's mother who made our stay very comfortable.

Ruwan with his mother..

Ruwan and his pet..

We departed from his area and came to see the water outlet station where they supply water to the village.


Kanishka's car.. This road heads to water supply station.

Then Ruwan took us to the canal where the lake water is delivered to other areas. The pressure of water is very powerful, it looks as a waterfall in high speed.

I thanked to people who put their energy and time to build this lake where all farmers & villages and all creatures depend on this lake and its waters hence we all enjoyed our adventure and swim with the nature... We all proud of our ancestors who made a great water civilization...

"Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake" (by Wallace Stevens)

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