Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Date: 23rd August 2015
Start at 08:30 and return at 14:45
From Kelaniya

The Maligathenna temple, known as Maligathenna cave temple were historic places of Buddhist interest.

Maligathenna - Akasa Chethiya

Not far from Weliweriya, about 15 mins drive, turning  small road and we came to Maligatenna rock cave temple, we  had a shortcoming in our car but  we managed to take a break for a cup of tea and managed to rectify the issue. First we park the car near by a house and continue to walk towards the temple. After climbing few steps we could see the temple entrance and few Sunday school children at temple entrance. We made few stops to take some photos and kept climbing towards the top. Lash green trees, plans and bushes and caves gave the peace and tranquility.

Me at the starting point..

Sakman maluwa (A path used for walking meditation)

In the temple premises, are several caves, The caves are on different levels and sizes. As we walked up a few steps and went in.. These caves were used by Buddhist monks for meditation.

Our team - Lakmal, Mahesh, Kanishka and Nihal (me)

A cave

In our team we had a Naturalist (Mahesh) who is an expert in animals and plants.

Very interesting narrow rock formation gave the opportunity to climb between two large rocks. The gap between two large rocks were not more than 3 feet where an elephant couldn't come through it.

"Do not think about what others didn't do. Fulfill your duty to protect the environment.."

Main rock we could easily climb up with out any difficulties as there were steps on the rock. On the top of the rock there is a beautiful small dagaba and the view was superb. 360 degree panoramic view..  Two water ponds.. Bo tree and a small shrine room.

When we reach the top there were two young couples who enjoyed their peace in love. we think we have not disturbed them.......

Apparently this rock cave temple was during the King Walagamba period.

Our car - Austin Mini

Maligathenna cave temple is nice to visit, you will not believe that fantastic panoramic views available.. Not far from Colombo but with full of Nature.

Our team members:

Kanishka / Lakmal / Mahesh (naturalist) / Nihal (me)

Another day out to Maligathenna..........

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