
"Sabba papassa akaranam, kusalassa upasampada
  Sacittapariyodapanam, etam Buddhana sasanam"

  To cease from doing all evils, to cultivate good
  To purify one’s mind, this is the advice of Buddha.

There are two kinds of worldly passions:

1. Passion for analysis and discussion by which people become confused in judgement.
2. Passion for emotional experience by which people's values become confused.

Realize that all the distinctions of the world are caused by the discriminating view of the Mind.
- From the book "The Teachings of Buddha" by Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai

" Don't try and fathom God, Disappear as Ego...and you will find the Supreme Lord
Sitting inside your Heart, In the form ..........I AM "
- Mooji

Perceiving the ultimate truth, is up to ourselves. No other person/god can give it anyone. We must have to go in the correct path to perceive the Truth... Don't wait and think that someone will come and release you. You will agree that it is a childish thinking.

Identify the correct path, Practise and Perceive the Truth before you die...!

Mind is very complicated instrument where people are still confused and unable to explain the right description. In Yogic explanation  Mind is divided to 16 parts since it's difficult to understand they have divided in to four parts:

1) Buddhi. -  Intellect
2) Ahankara - Identity
3) Manas - type of memory
4) Chittha -pure Intelligent

In Yogic life is:
Dance of time & energy
Every moment of life is explanation
As per Sadhguru do not identify remain uneducated
Do not tangle to anything simply observe life if you do that the perception will explore

Life is a dream and it's a reality with in you.

As we have physical science to create external wellbeing there is a whole inner dimension of science to create inner wellbeing, I call it inner Engineering -  Sadhguru.
(Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rhypeGB6W4)

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