Monday, February 9, 2015

Visit to Sri Pada

Visit to Sri Padasthanaya during the off season (2014-Sep-06/07)...

Sri Pada (also known as Adam's Peak) is a 2,243 m tall conical mountain located in Maskeliya-Hatton central Sri Lanka. It is well known for "sacred footprint" of Lord Buddha.

We made our journey to experience during the off season.

Kelaniya to Colombo Fort railway station by car then train journey to Hatton. We can recommend train journey because you feel free and you can observe well and enjoy the long journey. Our lunch and dinner was organized by a very good friend Jagath and family who delivered us the food at Preadeniya railway station.

From Hatton station we took a Micro Van to Maskelliya - Nallathanni. At Nallathanni we could enjoy our lunch. The owner of the restaurant was kind enough us to use his facilities. After hot cup tea we continued our journey by foot.

The rain greeted us in time to time. We did think that rain obstruct our journey since this is the off season, hence we enjoyed the rain as we were out fit with rain coats.

We could see water dashing through mountains. The fog covers this beautiful view time to time. We had a rest in "Sama Chethiya" peace pagoda and continued our journey.

We saw some voluntary force in the Army unit constructing the path with stones and cement.

We were hungry and few minutes later there was one hut making some rotty and “Katta Sambal” hot chilly with local bread call Pol Rotty. That's real Heaven meal. After that we had plain tea. Few soldiers came to have some tea and Rotty which we invited them to have. Giving food is some thing Sri Lankans love to do. So call “Danaya” (Giving)....

Gradually we could hear a nice "khoooooooo" sound so we knew we are close to a water fall. We could hear loud noise dashing water through rock. We also could see some young group of people and few foreigners. This was "Seetha Gangula" well known as the place among people who pilgrimage, to do their absolution clean before they start their holy journey. We spent some time to stitch my travel bag which had some issues.

After Seetha Gangula, we started to climb with cold weather.. Rain time to time... I had little difficulties to climb but with the help of others I was able to continue. The fog covered certain areas which we had obstruction to climb the steps.

Heavy shower made us to take cover after ten minutes we continue to climb. We saw some tourists coming down and one of their guides told us that we cannot go to top section as they have closed the gate. We were bit upset but we continued. We came to "Indi Katu Pahana". Some people told us it is pointless to climb further.

The most difficult part of the climb, is called "Mahagiri Dambe". Just below the police post which is below Mahagiri Dambe, we managed to find a deserted place, Ambalama, all four sides were open but under roof, so we decided to stay.

We were really hungry at that moment. Fortunately we had enough food. We made our over night at the Ambalama. It was really cold. I mean cold because some of our team members started shivering. Some of them could not bear the cold and started to walk around.

I had a good sleeping bag which I covered with others and tried to sleep. Time to time heavy shower with thunder and lightning made as real fear. I never came a cross these kind of thundering. This is thunder out of thunder.

There were few dogs looking accompany with cold, managed to stay with us. In midnight, some of the climbers came, looking for shelter in same Ambalama.

Early morning, a group of Dutch tourists took shelter in same Ambalama due to thunder and shower. Strong wind made difficulties to stay in the Ambalama. As rain started to split side way water was pouring in to Ambalama.

We enjoyed as we accept the Nature as they are. When the weather was okay to climb down we started to descend with the same tourist group. After half and hour, we could see the real nature back.. the blue sky appeared with little bit of Sun shine.

After this energy, we came down back to Seetha Gangula. Enjoyed the thundering sound of monster water fall.. With many foot steps we came to Sama Chaithya (Stupa). Made our worships, lighting lamps and aroma sticks (calls as “Handun Kuru” in Sinhala).

Came back to the same restaurant to have cup of tea. The owner was a very kind
Tamil gentleman. We had a little conversation regards to Sama Chaithya Chief incumbent (a Japanese priest who has settled down in the same area for nearly forty years.)

We have to walk few kilometers as there was no bus to take us to Maskeliya. We took two Tuk Tuk ride. We  had to say good bye to two friendly dogs who came with us from Indi Katu Pahana to this Tuk Tuk place. The Tuck Tuk driver told us that they do this to certain climbers. And one time, they were following a tourist and after he took Tuk Tuk the dog started to run behind the Tuk Tuk to Maskelya bus stand. So the tourist felt very sad. He went back to his country and return to Maskeliya to meet his friend and took the dog back to his country. What a friendship between human and dog? We were unable to do that.

We took the bus and travel back to Hatton town and had quick lunch to fetch the afternoon train because we did not have pre-bookings. We manged to get the train. But no seats but interesting journey. By near Peradeniya one by one could get seats. We reached Colombo Fort, took our car back to  Kelaniya.

Each one depart with few words as every one is tired with walking difficulties.
What a journey to Siri Pada.....  Perhaps Next Year...... Who knows....

On the way...

On the way...

Sama Chaithya

The Ambalama where we stayed.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Why are we concern of nature ?

We normally tend to believe that all cosmic production is for mankind. We take all as granted, where by we loose the respect to our long distance relation and the protector and the creator, Mother Nature.

We Humans think Nature is taking shelter of Humans but its the opposite way.
We take shelter of Mother Nature.

The best philosophy, the best Religion and the best Meditation is the Nature.. Deeply observe the things as they are.

How to benefit and enhance the knowledge ?

1) See things as they are.

2) Give 100% to concentration towards your master, it could be a River, Mountain or Sea , Forest , Water Fall trees or Animals.

3) Observe its nature, do not judge or comment on..
The way you observe it observes you, where by the invisible energy field connect among you and your observer.

4) The deeper you observe your communication will take place.

5) You will feel free and happy.

During this process you will be taken in to a different layer of energy.

In this moment there will be only ONE.....  It's you...........
You are Nature............and Nature is You..........

Are you concern of Nature ?

Is there an Explorer in you?

Join us & consume the knowledge with the glimpse of Nature...
"Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better" - Albert Einstein