Saturday, February 7, 2015

Why are we concern of nature ?

We normally tend to believe that all cosmic production is for mankind. We take all as granted, where by we loose the respect to our long distance relation and the protector and the creator, Mother Nature.

We Humans think Nature is taking shelter of Humans but its the opposite way.
We take shelter of Mother Nature.

The best philosophy, the best Religion and the best Meditation is the Nature.. Deeply observe the things as they are.

How to benefit and enhance the knowledge ?

1) See things as they are.

2) Give 100% to concentration towards your master, it could be a River, Mountain or Sea , Forest , Water Fall trees or Animals.

3) Observe its nature, do not judge or comment on..
The way you observe it observes you, where by the invisible energy field connect among you and your observer.

4) The deeper you observe your communication will take place.

5) You will feel free and happy.

During this process you will be taken in to a different layer of energy.

In this moment there will be only ONE.....  It's you...........
You are Nature............and Nature is You..........

Are you concern of Nature ?

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