Monday, May 13, 2019

Spices that stimulate your six sensuous

Spices process unique way of attracting people's interest. It has contributed towards diplomatic ties, invasions, war etc. Ancient traders made their connections through spices. 4000 years ago Arabs, Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, Indians and Western Europeans were attracted to this Paradise Island due to these unique spices. Among the spices top ranking were Cinnamon, Cardamon, Cloves Pepper, Nutmeg Mace etc.

Even today still there is a demand for those spices. Not only for food but also for beauty culture and medicine purposes. At present Sri Lanka holds the ninth place in export of spices like Cinnamon, Cardamom, Cloves, Nutmeg and Pepper in the World. Spice export reaching to US $ 280 million.
Today Tourism industry also join hand in hand with spice gardens by promoting Sri Lankan spices to all foreigners.

On the way to Matale
Lime Industry (Aluhunu) - Captured on the way to Matale

Ranweli Spice Garden is one of the unique place in Matale where most of the tourists experience and enhance the knowledge of spices unique to this tropical island. Mr. Mithrapala who is the owner of Ranweli Spice Garden, was kind enough to explain in and out of his industry. By nature he has proven his meaning of his name by action. Mithrapla means Friendly or Friendship.

1981 he has established this small spice garden with 4 employees though there are many competitors he has built his industry to large scale with 100 employees. And he is not hesitate to say that he is a great tax payer to the government.

In the Spice garden

Beside spices he also sells Ayurvedic oilmen which is really popular among tourists. Under his employment there are local guides who speak foreign languages like German, French, Spanish, English, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Hindi Etc. The relevant group will be taken over by the relevant language Guide and taken them around the garden explaining verity of those spices.

I found his methods very simple but efficient. Each plant area he has built a small sanding box with  raw product and by-product where tourist can touch, smell and test. Thereafter the group will be taken to a hut where refreshments been offered and given various of product experience. Herbal, products, Ayurveda products, spices etc. After that you are free to walk through the premises and drop by the outlet where they have the free choice to buy relevant product. They also run a restaurant with organic cousins.

I was keen to find out some Ayurvedic oilmen so call "Kushtathal Thailaya" which is popular among German Tourists.

Dr. Abeyrathna
Mr. Mithrapala made an appointment for me to meet  (Ayurvedic Physicians) Dr. Abeyrathna Harasgama. It's a traditional profession to become a Ayurveda Physician. He explained that in Ayurveda there are treatments for humans as well as for animals and plants. It's amazing how Ayurveda tangle with nature. He said some trees get sick due to fungus. Among those fungus however there are fungus which are taken as medicine. He said to become healthy not only for humans, but also animals and plants too. Every plant has unique way of contribution to our world we all interconnected.

During my visit to spice garden I realized one thing that government should support those small industries by giving them facilities and encourage them to develop their livelihood. Unfortunately business people like Mr. Mithrapala pays millions of taxes to the government, collect foreign exchange to the country but they are not permitted to get tax free vehicle ? Where Ministers and Member of Parliament with out contributing like Mithrapala, obtain tax free benefits. This is Sri Lanka encourage our local business communities.. sad but that's the truth. I was only able to get out of this thought only by biting a Cardamon which that aroma and essence penetrated through my six sensuous. The nature was kind enough to give us so many varieties of spices to my mother land . I thank Mr. Mithrapala and depart through group of tourists who enter into the premises....

The secret of happiness is variety, but the secret of variety, like the secret of all spices, is knowing when to use it. (By Daniel Gilbert)

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