Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Yapahuwa was one time the capital of Sri Lanka during the King Buwanekabahu the first in 13th century. The existing ruins give great details of rich culture. Specially how Royal Residence and Temple of Tooth Relic was taken care. In ancient time, the Tooth Relic was part of ruling symbols. Who ever possess Buddha's Tooth Relic, taken as the ruler of Lanka.

The Stone carving has highlighted how important was this Tooth Relic and given the best cultural significant to its carving.

Before you enter in to the premises there is a small temple among the cave where nowadays worshipers visited the premises. Today the temple  has only one monk who take care of the place.

Stone stairway has three sections, from ground to stone wall thereafter long 60 degree stairways the longest steps then third section entrance to Shrine.

Entrance stone carving has two lions, Pillars and Guard stone, dancer & drummers carved in stones  elephant head, dragon head given more weight to the carving.

One who reaches the shrine area could imagine the structure of the temple. From the temple window one could see the scenic view of the green landscape.

There was a pathway to climb up where you could see small cave type places monks could meditate. Just before top there is a pond which collects rainwater. On top of the rock small Sthupa and small shrine for worship.. three hundred degree view. Also breath taking.

Similar to Sigiriya there was a canal surrounded by the initial fortress. Due to drought we could not see water beside the patches of small water holes where monkeys plays in the water and pluck small lotus buds for their meal.

Near the car park there are few shops and the museum, the shopkeepers are from village nearby, try to sell few fruits, lemons which grown in those dry area. One shopkeeper said due to political struggle between temple and the cultural triangle, the development has stopped. Their income is subject to visitors specially school children who visits the place for education purpose, and the tourists who come do not have purpose to buy anything beside the entrance ticket which the income goes to cultural triangle.

Car Park & Shops


We are proud of our culture at the same time we create an income from tourism where local people can not benefit from that. It's pity how ruins ruin local income structure.

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